How To Do a Paragard Thread Check

  1. Start by washing your hands with soap and water.
  2. Reach up to the top of your vagina with clean fingers to feel the 2 threads. Do not pull on the threads.

If you feel changes in the length of the threads, you cannot feel the threads, or you can feel any other part of Paragard other than the threads, Paragard may not be in the right place and may not prevent pregnancy. If this happens, use back-up birth control and call your healthcare provider right away.


You should be able to feel the short threads attached to Paragard with your finger.

Paragard is a hormone-free IUD (intrauterine device) that prevents pregnancy for up to 10 years using copper.


  • Don't use Paragard if you are or may be pregnant, have fibroids, a pelvic infection including pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), get infections easily, certain cancers, unexplained bleeding, Wilson's disease,